Dr. Thomas Lindner

Historisches Institut der Universität Rostock
Neuer Markt 3, R. 403b
18055 Rostock

Telefon: +49 381 498-2723
E-Mail: thomas.lindneruni-rostockde



  • Geschichte Europas und Lateinamerikas

  • Globalgeschichte

  • Migration, Flucht, Exil

  • Imperialismus und Anti-Imperialismus

  • Sport- und Körpergeschichte

Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt

  • Resistance and Recreation. A Global Social History of Worker Sport, 1880–1940 (Aktuelles Habilitationsprojekt)

Resistance and Recreation. A Global Social History of Worker Sport, 1880–1940

Projektskizze, Stand 04/2021

The project analyzes the social history of worker sports and its transnational entanglements. It uses the history of worker sport to engage in current debates within global history and asks whether the worker sport movement was global in scope. The working hypothesis is that worker sport was part of the global labor movement and thus tightly intertwined with transnational flows of labor migration and questions of class and subaltern resistance. The changing social imaginations about what constituted a modern body and a healthy lifestyle are ubiquitous in worker sport discussions and allow for an analysis of the spread of global health discourses and their relation to racism, capitalism, and colonialism. The images of masculinity and femininity enable discussions on the global spread of gendered roles within physical activity and political organization. As a means of organizing political dissent, worker sport was more a practice of resistance than simply an alternative way to organize physical activity. Especially in the urban context (the case studies include Berlin, Buenos Aires and Durban) of the turn of the century and in the interwar period, worker sport was central to the time’s most important discourses: understanding worker sport is thus a way to better understand economic and cultural globalization, the global labor movement, and the transnational origins—and flaws—of modern capitalist sports.

Zur Person

  • seit April 2021 Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Europäische und Neueste Geschichte der Universität Rostock (Prof. Dr. Ulrike von Hirschhausen)

  • 2020-21: Postdoktorand am Lehrstuhl Globalgeschichte der Freien Universität Berlin, gefördert durch ein Postdoc-Stipendium der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung

  • 2019-20: Postdoktorand am Zentrum für die Geschichte der Gefühle, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung Berlin

  • 2017: Gastwissenschaftler, Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago

  • 2015-19: Arbeit an der Promotion mit dem Titel „Transnational Networks of Anti-Imperialism: Mexico City in the long 1920s“ im Rahmen der International Max-Planck Research School „Moral Economies of Modern Societies“, am 27.02.2020 an der Technischen Universität Berlin verteidigt

  • 2012-14: Master of Arts „Global History“ der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Freien Universität Berlin

  • 2008-12: Studium der Politischen Wissenschaften und Geschichte an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und der West-Universität Timisoara



Thomas K. Lindner "A City Against Empire -  Transnational Anti-Imperalism in Mexico City 1920-30"  (Juni 2023): weitere Informationen HIER