Dr. Maria Framke
University of Rostock
Historical Institute
Neuer Markt 3, Room 419
D-18055 Rostock
Tel.: +49 381 498-2724
E-Mail: maria.framkeuni-rostockde
Research Interests
- modern South Asian history
- colonialism and imperialism
- fascism
- transnational history
- the history of humanitarianism
Current Reasearch Project
South Asian Humanitarianism in armed conflicts, 1899-1949. Habilitation project
- since April 2015: lecturer at the Chair for European and Contemporary History at the University of Rostock
- 2013-2015: post-doc at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich on, the research project ‘South Asian Humanitarianism in armed conflicts, 1899-1949’
- 2011-2012: research fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Changing Representations of Social Order (SFB 640)’ at, Humboldt University of Berlin
- 2011: PhD, Jacobs University Bremen., Thesis: ‘The Perception and Impact of Fascism and National Socialism in India, 1922-1939’, supervisor: Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné, funded by the ‘Global History Scholarship’ of from the WBG and supported by scholarships of the DHI London, the DHI Rom and the DAAD
- 2010-2011: coordination of the DAAD project ‘A New Passage to India’ at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the, University of Göttingen
- 2009-2014: teaching assignments at Humboldt University of Berlin and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- 2007: M.A. in History and History and Society in South Asia, Humboldt University of Berlin, Free University of Berlin and School of Oriental and African Studies London
- IZSAF – Interdisciplinary Journal of South Asia Research, editor
- co-founder of Y-SASM (Young South Asia Scholars Meet), Berlin 2010.
- member of the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH)
- member of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS)
- review editor for South Asian history, H-Soz-Kult
Selected Publications
Monographs and Edited Volumes
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- The Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia, Routledge, edited with Harald Fischer-Tiné (forthcoming 2020).
- Fokus ‘Revisiting Partition seventy years later: Of layered echoes, voices and memories’, edited with Anandita Bajpai, South Asia Chronicle, 7 (2017).
- ‘Humanitarismus’, edited with Joel Glasman, WerkstattGeschichte, 68 (2015).
- Indologie und Südasienstudien in Berlin. Geschichte und Positionsbestimmung, edited with Hannelore Lötzke and Ingo Strauch, Berlin 2014.
- Delhi – Rom – Berlin. Die indische Wahrnehmung von Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus, 1922-1939, Darmstadt 2013.
- “From Local Philanthropy to Political Humanitarianism: South Asian and Egyptian Humanitarian Aid during the Period of Decolonization“, co-authored with Esther Möller. ZMO Working Papers 22 (2019), https://www.zmo.de/publikationen/WorkingPapers/framke_moeller_2019.pdf
- "Indien als Zufluchtsort für jüdische NS-Flüchtlinge: Flucht, Antikolonialismus, und humanitäre Solidarität in der Zwischenkriegszeit", in: Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung, 3 (2018), pp. 92-104.
- ‘‘We must send a gift worthy of India and the Congress!’ War and political humanitarianism in late colonial South Asia’, in: Modern Asian Studies, 51 (2017) 6, pp. 1969-1998.
- ‘India’s freedom and the League of Nations: public debates 1919-1933’, in: Matthis Zachmann (ed.), Asia after Versailles. Asian Perspectives on the Paris Peace Conference and the Post-War World, 1919-1933, Edinburgh 2017, pp. 124-143.
- ‘Political humanitarianism in the 1930s: Indian aid for Republican Spain’, in: European Review of History, 23 (2016) 1-2, pp. 63-81.
- ‘Shopping Ideologies for Independent India? Taraknath Das’s engagement with Italian Fascism and German National Socialism’, in: Itinerario, 40 (2016), 1, pp. 55-81.
- ‘Die Rolle der Berliner Indologie und Indienkunde im ‚Dritten Reich‘’, in: Maria Framke, Hannelore Lötzke and Ingo Strauch (eds.), Indologie und Südasienstudien in Berlin: Geschichte und Positionsbestimmung, Berlin 2014‚ pp. 89-128.
- ‘International events, national policy. The 1930s in India as formative period for Non-alignment’, in: Natasa Miskovic, Harald Fischer-Tiné and Nadia Boskovska, (ed.), Non-Aligned Movement and the Cold War, London 2014, pp. 37-56.
- Hitler bei den Hindus: Unwissenheit und Verklärung prägen das Bild des Nationalsozialismus in Indien‘, 2014, http://www.bpb.de/internationales/asien/indien/181208/hitler-wahrnehmung.
- ‘Internationalizing the Indian War on Opium: colonial policy, the nationalist movement and the League of Nations’, in: Harald Fischer-Tiné und Jana Tschurenev (ed.), A History of Alcohol and Drugs in Modern South Asia: Intoxicating Affairs, London 2013, pp. 155-171.
- ‘Fascist Italy: Ideal Template for India's Economic Development’, in: Hagen Schulz-Forberg (ed.), Zero Hours: Conceptual Insecurities and New Beginnings in the Interwar Period, Brüssel 2013, pp. 77-96.
- ‘Anti-Koloniale Solidarität? Der Abessinienkrieg, Indien und der Völkerbund’, in: Sönke Kunkel and Christoph Meyer (ed.), Aufbruch ins postkoloniale Zeitalter: Globalisierung und die außereuropäische Welt in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren, Frankfurt am Main/ New York 2012, pp. 190-207.
- ‘Vorbild oder Feindbild? Die Wahrnehmung Japans in Indien von 1915-1920’, in: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, 34 (2011), pp. 103-120.
- ‘Umstrittene Geschichte. (Anti-)Faschismus und (Anti-)Kolonialismus in Indien, zusammen mit Jana Tschurenev’, in: Prokla, 158 (2010) 1, pp. 67-83.
Latest Talks
Latest Talks
- 2018: panel ‘Relief für die eigene Community: Humanitäre Organisationen in der Heimat und in der Fremde’, co-orgarnisator, and presentation ‘Die Congress Medical Missions in Burma 1942 and Malaysia 1946: Indische humanitäre Hilfe im Kontext von Weltkrieg, Freiheitskampf und Dekolonisation’, 52. Deutscher Historikertag, Münster, 25.-28.09.2018.
- 2018: presentation ‘Vorbild oder imperialer Aggressor?: Indische Wahrnehmungen des faschistischen Italiens in der Zwischenkriegszeit’, in the panel ‘Mussolini transnational: Zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem italienischen Faschismus in Asian in der Zwischenkriegszeit’, 52. Deutscher Historikertag, Münster, 25.-28.09.2018.
- 2018: keynote ‘‘We fight for the liberation of humanity’: Exploring the entangled web of Indian Anti-colonialism, (humanitarian) internationalism and Pan-Asian solidarity in the 1930s and 1940s’, workshop ‘Trans-imperial cooperation and transfers in the age of colonial globalization: Towards a triangular history of colonialism?’, Erfurt 22.-24.03.2018.
- 2018: presentation: ‘India a safe haven for Jewish refugees? Exploring the entangled web of Indian anti-fascism, anti-colonialism and humanitarian solidarity in the interwar period’, conference ‘In global transit: Jewish migrants from Hitler’s Europe in Asia, Africa, and beyond’, Kolkata, 14.-16.02.2018.
- 2017: panel ‘Anti-imperial biographies in transnational perspective’, co-organiser, ENIUGH Congress 2017, Budapest, 31.08.-03.09.2017, presentation ‘Anti-colonial rebel, false diplomat, endeavouring professor: the multiple lives of Devendra Nath Bannerjea’.
- 2017: panel ‘War and Humanitarianism in Asia, c. 1900-1950’, co-organiser, ICAS
- 2017, Chiang Mai, 20.-23.07. 2017, presentation ‘Non-state humanitarian relief during World War II: The Indian Burma refugees’.
- 2017: presentation ‘Non-Governmental Relief Organizations in Postcolonial India and Pakistan: Redrawing the Boundaries of Gender in Terms of Femininity and Masculinity?’, conference ‘Gender & Humanitarianism: (Dis-)Empowering Women and Men in the Twentieth Century’, IEG Mainz, 29.06.-01.07.2017.
- 2017: presentation ‘Freiwilligkeit in kolonialen Gesellschaften?: Britisch-Indien im Ersten Weltkrieg’, Workshop ‘Freiwilligkeit aus globaler Perspektive’, University Erfurt, 14.-15.06.2017.
- 2017: presentation ‘Solidarity with Spain and China: the entangled worlds of political humanitarianism and anti-imperialism in late colonial South Asia’, conference ‘Nodes, Networks, Orders: Three Global History Workshops on Transformative Connectivity’, Leiden, 20.-22.04.2017.